Who is Ted Anthony, and how did he smuggle a byline into wire copy pushed by Associated Press? Let's start with the URL, which includes the phrase "grasping at straws" and continues smirking at Republicans who hit the airwaves Sunday to reassure America that Sarah Palin is LOADED with experience! Check it:
Wait, now, say the Republicans. You think that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin lacks experience? You think that at 44, with less than two years running the nation's northernmost state, she doesn't have what it takes yet to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?
What about the fact that she stood up to embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens? What about her oversight of her state's National Guard contingent? Her experience as a mother? And, hey — what about the fact that she runs a state that happens to be very close to Russia?
Each of these characteristics has been cited by a Republican since Friday as an ingredient in John McCain's conclusion that Palin is qualified to become vice president of the United States.